In China, the operations of SGS is almost related to all areas of China and has undertaken seismic acquisition projects in various terrains.

In water-net areas

In desert areas

In mountain areas, Sicuan
+971 55 680 3785
Naif, Dubai, UAE
In China, the operations of SGS is almost related to all areas of China and has undertaken seismic acquisition projects in various terrains.
In water-net areas
In desert areas
In mountain areas, Sicuan
SGS’s service track around the world can be found in Pakistan, Kuwait, Saudi, UAE, Yemen, Algeria, Nigeria, Indonesia and Bolivia and etc. High reputation and rich experience has been accumulated through its excellent operations for the clients.
we have conducted seismic projects in mountain areas in Pakistan, China, Yemen. Confronted with the steep mountains, hills and desert, SGS overcame many difficulties and showed marvelous performance.
SGS has been conducting operations in the Sahara Desert and Gobi desert of Algeria, and has won the trust and praise from Clients because of our outstanding field operation management and there isn’t any any bias from the Company’s requirements.